Sagicor Suitability Requirements – Training Review
Dear Producer,
As stated in previous Producer Announcements, Sagicor is implementing new Annuity Suitability Training requirements effective June 16, 2013.The Annuity Suitability training requirement is made up of two types of training courses: (1) a general annuity suitability training course, and (2) the “Sagicor Annuity Product Training Course.” In an effort to assist you in the meeting the training requirement, we have reviewed your course completion records. During our review, we found that you have not completed the following required training courses:
1. General suitability training course
In order to fulfill this training, you must complete one of the following courses:
An Annuity Suitability training course that has been approved in a state that has previously adopted an Annuity Suitability Regulation. For example: Colorado adopted an Annuity Suitability Regulation with an effective date of 4/1/2011. If a producer completed a training course that was approved to fulfill this requirement in Colorado, that same training course can be used to fulfill the “suitability” training course.
If you have taken an annuity suitability training course as described above, we require that you furnish Agent Licensing with a certificate of completion or a training record issued by the CE provider. Agent Licensing will independently verify that the course submitted complies with the training requirements.
Sagicor’s “Indexed Product Training Course – CE and Company Credit” (“long version”). Please note that you need to complete the CE and Company Credit version (“long version”) of the course to fulfill Sagicor’s new training requirement. Course completion requires successfully passing the final exam associated with the course. This course can be accessed by clicking the following link: – Indexed Product Training Course (CE and Company Credit)
2. Sagicor Annuity Products Training Course
In order to fulfill this training portion of the Annuity Suitability training requirement, you must complete training about Sagicor annuity products. Access this training course by clicking the following link:
If you wish to sell any Sagicor annuity products after June 16, 2013, you must complete the training indicated above.A producer who submits any application dated on or after June 17, 2013 must have completed the required annuity suitability training and the Sagicor Annuity Product Training Course prior to solicitation.
Your commitment to Sagicor and to completing all the training requirements is much appreciated. If you have any questions regarding any aspect of the new suitability regulations, please contact your Sagicor Regional Sales Manager or the Sagicor Compliance Department at